What is a CSI Presentation?

You are going to love this novel concept and presentation format!  “CSI” stands for “cases, studies, and innovations”. These are selected from submitted abstracts on various topics. Each CSI author has the opportunity to prepare their presentation as a pre-recorded video, poster PDF, or both. CSI authors will populate their dedicated CSI page in the platform in advance of the meeting. Attendees may view the CSI presentations at their leisure once the platform opens on Oct. 16. Each CSI page has a running chat, so the attendees may ask questions or provide comments. The CSI author may respond and provide comments in the chat as well. (Think similar to a poster defense session in an in-person meeting.)

For a live interaction component, on Thursday/Oct. 22, CSI authors will be available for questions & answers in one of 10-16 unique breakout groups/topics. The CSI authors will be assigned to a group according to topic in advance of the meeting. There will be 5-8 groups/topics in the first CSI Discussion Group session, and a different 5-8 groups/topics in the second session. The 5-8 groups in each session will run simultaneously. Attendees will select which group they wish to attend. They may come in and out of several groups, as they like. Each group will have a moderator. The CSI authors assigned to a group will be asked to attend their group and be prepared to answer questions from the moderator or the audience. So for example, abstracts on the topic of hairline design may be assigned to a CSI Discussion Group on “Hairline Design”. (This concept is a combination of our prior “Coffee with the Experts” and a formal Poster defense session.)

Presentation Types

CSI Presentations can be a pre-recorded video, a poster PDF, or both. It’s your choice how is best to present your material.

Mock-up of a CSI Presentation Booth

You upload to the Dropbox link we provide you:

  1. Your head shot photo
  2. Your Video presentation
  3. Your Poster PDF

We upload:

  1. Info Section.

“Info Section” will pre-populate with the fields below.  A thumbnail of the PDF will be shown on the screen. 

*****Info Section EXAMPLE*****
Hairline Design Methods
Joe Smith, MD, FISHRS | Spain
CSI Discussion Group:  Group 1, C: Hairline Design

Pre-recorded Video Guidelines
  • Videos should be 5-7 minutes long and created in landscape mode.
  • Include Objective(s), Method, Results and Conclusion when possible.
  • Include a Take Home Message in the summary at the end.
  • Have a quiet location set for the recording time to minimize background noise.
  • If possible, have your computer plugged in with a hard-wired internet connection (Cat-5).
  • Have light cast on you from the front or side. Do not be positioned in front of a window or light brighter than your front and sidelights.
  • Plug your headset into your laptop or desktop computer. If your computer does not have a microphone, please attach an external microphone via USB or 3.5mm jack.
  • Keep your microphone muted until you are ready to speak. Allow 10 seconds before speaking once unmuting yourself.
  • Allow 3 seconds prior to speaking when switching slides.
  • Ensure that the platform you are using can export the video in 1080p or higher to allow for post-recording editing if needed.
  • Depending on the program you are using, your camera may block a portion of the slide. Please review slide content prior to recording to ensure all content is in view.
Poster PDF Guidelines

DownloadPosterTemplate Use of this template is optional.

A typical poster should contain a combination of pictures, tables, graphs, and other elements used in presentations. We have provided one template which you can use as a guideline.

While it is not mandatory you use the provided template, it is important that you summarize your research or information in a concise and attractive way. Ideally, viewers must understand the content of your poster in a matter of minutes.

Format and File Type: All Posters should be in PORTRAIT format and saved as a PDF file. There are no required dimensions or size limit due to the virtual nature of the poster. Users will be able to download the poster and zoom in/out for optimal viewing.

If you want to get the best results, make sure that your poster is well-designed, logical, and consistent. When designing your poster, remember, some features in the provided template may be changed, while others are fixed.

The fixed features that should be included in your poster are
  • Poster Title
  • Author name(s)
  • Disclosures
  • References
  • Take Home Message
The modifiable features are
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Size of text boxes
  • Font style/size of headings, titles, text, etc.
  • Alignment of headings and text
  • Inclusion of graphics and images

Within these limits, freely employ design strategies that will capture the attention of virtual Congress attendees and express the value of your research.

File Naming

When uploading your presentation, you should use the following file naming system: PresenterLastName_SessionName_PresentationTitle


Live CSI Discussion Group Details

The CSI Discussion Groups Sessions are open to all attendees. Attendees may join any discussion group they wish or visit multiple rooms during each session. This is an opportunity for attendees to ask Cases, Studies, and Innovations (CSI) Presenters questions in an informal session. These rooms will be organized based on the category selected during the abstract submission process. Discussion Group moderators should not prepare a formal talk. Your role is to facilitate a discussion and answer questions alongside CSI Presentation authors. You may wish to prepare several questions and subtopics about your topic for the group to discuss. [What is so interesting about your topic?, What are some tips?, What is often misunderstood?, etc.] Often times, attendees will seek you or your topic out and come prepared with questions. A lecture is not the purpose of this format.

CSI Discussion Groups will take place on Thursday/October 22 at 7:00AM and 7:00PM Central (Chicago) time. Each session will last approximately one hour. Discussion moderators and faculty should be logged into the proper room 30 minutes prior to the start of the session.